Cell phones are incredibly useful tools. However, on their own they are relatively limited when it comes to health-related measurements. Luckily, in Spain many people can already enjoy information related to their rest and daily activity thanks to smartwatches and activity bracelets.

There are other specialized devices that go a step further, and are responsible for measuring more complicated variables. It is possible to carry out tests as complex as an electrocardiogram or an ultrasound scan, which, although they do not replace a test at the doctor’s office, can provide a huge amount of information.

In the same way, there are also some devices designed for diabetics that are capable of measuring things like blood glucose levels. This is the biowearable Lingo, created by Abbott, which also offers a fitness app. It should be noted that public health experts warn that smart watches and rings are incapable of measuring blood glucose.

Real-time data

This device can be enormously useful. It uses disc-shaped biosensors that are attached to the skin on the back and upper arm. These patches have sensors that collect real-time information on various biomarkers. It uses a technology developed by the brand and already used by more than 5 million people.

These are both glucose and ketone and lactate, which are ideal complementary information for athletes or people who want to monitor their metabolic status. And it is able to constantly measure the user wearing it thanks to a patented algorithm based on decades of research on the measurement of glucose.

Lingo Abbott Device

Lingo Abbott Device

The Free Android

With each measurement, this information is sent to the smartphone or tablet with which it is linked via Bluetooth connection, so that these metrics can be accessed throughout the day and at all times. However, these data are not only measured by this accessory, but it also analyzes them so that based on the patterns of glucose variation, it can offer advice.

However, it should be noted that the device is not recommended for people with sensitive skin, since a small filament of the patch remains under the skin to access the body’s data. It can be worn for two weeks without interruption. After this time, it will have to be replaced with the other one that comes in the box. It is also water resistant, so it is not necessary to remove it for showering.

Although it may be an ideal tool for diabetics, the company clarifies that it is not certified as a medical device.The company indicates that it is not a substitute for other devices for the treatment of diabetes, although it can be a very useful complementary tool. Two patches are included in the box so that they can be changed every 14 days.

An application to know everything

In order to view the data, it is necessary to download the brand’s app, within which the measurements are shown using a line graph in which colors are relevant. Blue indicates that the levels have remained stable and when purple appears it means that there have been some peaks.. In this way, complex data is translated into slightly simpler data so that anyone can understand it and make the decisions that are of most interest to them at the time.

According to the manufacturer, keeping track of glucose levels can help maintain energy throughout the day, distinguish between a craving and a need for real food and even help you sleep better, balancing the levels of this indicator allows you to rest more effectively. In any case, when you enter to view the information, the app’s own coach will indicate a series of recommended actions, such as getting up and doing some activity when it detects that glucose levels are elevated.

Within the application, each user can also enter data about the meals they have eaten throughout the day. or even the activities they have carried out. In this way it will be possible to have more information contextualizing these activities or meals with the changes in the levels. In this application you can also access graphs on weekly activity and goals in relation to glucose levels, with graphs for each week, month or even a global one to see the progress that has been followed since having the patch.

At the moment it is available for iOS, and is available in two different packages. The most basic one has a duration of two weeks and costs around 95 euros, while the more expensive one lasts around 2 months and its price is equivalent to about 320 euros.

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